December 2019 | Thank you

Thanks for a great 2019 

What a great, weird year it's been around here. Seattle reminds me of an awkward teenager struggling to accept its new identity while its fast-growing limbs outpace the body's ability to control them.

The growth that centered in South Lake Union for the past several years took a big step toward the Eastside this year--a relief for those of us living in Seattle, and a boon to property owners in and around Bellevue.

Most of us saw our homes appreciate slightly, if at all, this year. Folks are settling into the possibility that the real estate market may be "normal" again for now. Is this possible?

Personally, this year was a special one. Ashley and I completed one full year post-colic with our younger daughter, Gloria, who is pure joy. She and Alma are becoming good friends now that Glo is walking and starting to communicate enough to make her a tolerable playmate.

We've settled into our home in West Seattle, where we feel very lucky to be surrounded by close friends, kind neighbors and the PNW beauty we love.

I found work more rewarding than ever this year. Nearly everyone we helped was either a past client, friend, or a referral from a past client or friend.

Thanks for sending your folks our way! That's what keeps the lights on, and allows us to come to work excited about being part of your stories.

Thank you so much for trusting us to be part of your real estate team!
